
Thursday, July 30, 2015

8 months post op!

Wow! Has it really been 2 months since my last post?! I have been so incredibly busy that I haven't had a moment to myself! My business is going great but more relevant to my blog-my weight loss is going phenomenal. Let me back track a bit. Since my last post I have started a 12 week fitness challenge, which ends this week, I went to Vegas (lost 3 pounds while I was there!), and I made it through July 4th! As far as my weight goes I am 5 pounds away from my goal weight of 159. I weighed 164 a few days ago and I am feeling so amazing! I actually sent my surgeon a before and after picture the other day thanking him for saving my life. Before having VSG surgery I had 3 phases of my transformation in mind. The first of course was having the weight loss surgery. The second was getting into shape and I can honestly say during the last 12 weeks I have gotten into the best shape of my life! My arms are toned and my leg muscles are crazay! Phase 3 is skin removal surgery, which I knew I would need to have. So, next month I am going to start searching for surgeons. I will need breast implants because I have empty socks right now and I need my excess skin removed. Sometimes when I look in the mirror I don't know who that thin person is. After being overweight for so long its hard to change your way of thinking and the way you see yourself. I am in a size Large, some mediums. and a size 12 pant. I do have days when I still feel 252 pounds. Carrying around this extra skin makes me feel like I did as an overweight person. And that sucks. But I know its just a matter of time before those feelings are long gone. I can't wait! Maintenance is just around the corner...and that scares me a bit. After being on a lifelong journey to lose weight, I wont have any weight left to lose. That's just strange to me.

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